Communication and Sport Summit 2012

2012-09-13 00:00:00


  Friday, February 22 - Sunday, February 24, 2013 in Austin, TX


  The International Association for Communication and Sport is pleased to partner with the Texas Program in Sports and Media and the College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin to present the Sixth Summit on Communication and Sport. Since its debut in 2002, the Summit has become the leading venue for communication researchers from varied theoretical and methodological approaches to identify, understand, and critique the communicative significance of sport.

  We invite you to consider presenting at the 2013 conference to be held in the new Belo Center for New Media on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin. To ensure that we offer a balance of topics, we ask that you consider responding to this call for papers and panels.

  Submission deadline is October 26, 2012, central time. Any submission must have a submission date stamp no later than 11:59 pm October 26, 2012 (US central standard time; UTC-06:00). Late sbmissions will not be considered.

  All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by the Summit's planning committee. Presenters will be notified of presentation acceptance via email by December 3, 2012.

  Inquiries regarding submissions can be sent to Christopher Hart at More information on the Summit will be available


  Scholars who are interested in presenting research that explores  communication and sport must submit full-length manus cripts or extended
abstracts for consideration. The Summit's planning committee will give preference to scheduling research presentations to scholars who submit full-length manus cripts.

  Options for submission:

  - Full-length manus cript (5,000-7,500 words, APA style)

  - Extended abstract (500-1,000 words)

  To submit either, download and complete the submission form published on Submit it with either your manus cript or abstract. No information identifying the author or university affiliation may appear in the submitted manus cript or abstract. Any submissions that fail to conform to this requirement will not be considered.

  Up to two submissions from the same individual noted as lead author will be considered. Submissions that explore theoretical and/or critical issues related to the study of communication and sport are invited and all methodologies are welcome.


  For the first time, the Summit welcomes proposals for panel discussions on topical subjects of interest to the communication and sport community.

  Though programming space is limited, the summit planning committee welcomes the opportunity to expand the depth and breadth of offerings at the conference.

  To submit a panel proposal, please download and complete the submission form published Submit the submission form and CVs of the proposed panelists. Call for Papers and Panels The Sixth Summit on Communication and Sport Friday, February 22 - Sunday, February 24, 2013 in Austin, TX

  For more information on the International Association for Communication and Sport, please

  For more information on the Texas Program in Sports and Media, please see